Battery Park
New York City, New York 10004

Harbor Day, a city-wide public event, will be the culmination and high point of the NY400 week. Water will be the overarching theme of the day, with a wide range of activities up and down the Hudson and in New York’s waterfront parks. Spectators will be able to watch the events on the water on a giant video screen in the Battery, from stands seating between 7,000 and 10,000 viewers.

Harbor Day will kick off in The Battery with a bicycle tour led by the Netherlands' Prince of Orange and Princess Máxima. The program will continue, with world-class sailot Gary Jobson acting as master of ceremonies. The renowned Marine Band of the Royal Netherlands Navy, consisting of 70 world-class musicians, will give a musical send-off to the Half Moon and the Holland on the Hudson flotilla.

Official Website:

Added by NY400 Dutch events in New York C on September 3, 2009