4800 Magnolia Ave
Riverside, California 92506

Nunsense is a madcap revue that satirizes convent life with a hysterical anything-goes sense of fun. The show's very premise is outrageous. It is supposedly a benefit revue put on by the Little Sisters of Hoboken to raise money to bury the last 4 of 52 nuns who died from botulism. The setting is a shabby high school gym where a production of Grease has been mounted. Among the five nuns who do song-and-dance routines, conduct an audience quiz and indulge in other shenanigans, the most endearing is Sister Mary Amnesia a would-be country singer whose irresistibly goofy grin is as wide as her memory is short. Presiding over the show, Sister Mary Cardelia, the Mother Superior, tries in vain to maintain order, but she is repeatedly undone by her own irrepressible mischievousness.

Added by Upcoming Robot on May 7, 2011