8 Mission Street
San Francisco, California

Manage the chaos of file storage and administration

Only Novell lets you manage file storage based on business benefit. This allows IT to automate redundant, low-value tasks by defining policies based on your organization's business rules. Now you can address storage challenges related to regulatory compliance and data security more effectively.

Spend less on storage management. Novell lets you handle the growth of collaborative data with fewer incremental storage purchases. How? By automatically moving "stale" files from expensive primary storage to low-cost secondary storage, all based on customizable policies. Reuse existing hardware for secondary storage, thus optimizing your return on investment.
Attend this event to learn how to:

Get more from your file storage

Reduce! Reuse! Recycle!

Save money and man hours

Streamline storage based on relevance

Understand your data better

Stop wasting IT's time on tedious, redundant tasks. Storage management can be an expensive drain on IT resources. Novell allows you to automate tasks like managing quotas and provisioning/de-provisioning user storage. Then you can devote IT resources to more strategic projects.

Recommended Audience: IT Managers, System Administrators, Network Administrators, MIS Directors, IT Directors, Small Business Managers, and Database Administrators.

Transportation BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit):

Board train traveling in the direction of the Embarcadero Station
Exit Embarcadero Station onto Market
Travel 2 blocks west on Market and make a right on Steuart Street
Continue on Steuart Street for one block and make a left onto Mission Street
Hotel is located on the left side
Hotel Vitale is also accessible using the San Francisco MUNI.

Added by Sunnnee on April 26, 2010