149 Girdle Ridge Rd
Katonah, New York 10536

Norma is the unquestioned pinnacle of bel canto opera, the favored role of its greatest exponents from the days of Giuditta Pasta and Giulia Grisi down to Maria Callas and Joan Sutherland. American soprano Angela Meade essays the part for the first time, returning after her triumphant Caramoor debut in Semiramide made "best-of-the-year" short-lists in both The New Yorker and The New York Times. Keri Alkema, lauded for her fiery Donna Elvira in the new City Opera production of Don Giovanni, makes her debut as Adalgisa; tenor Emmanuel di Villarosa (hailed as "possibly the best Alvaro since Richard Tucker" at Caramoor in 2008) and our star bass-baritone Daniel Mobbs ("a showstopper" in Semiramide) complete the cast. Pre Opera events. Caramoor Caravan providing transportation from NYC. Call 914-232-1252

Added by caramoor.org on May 10, 2010

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