1900 5th Ave
Seattle, Washington 98101

It's the premier conference for the sector and the best opportunity for anyone with an interest in helping nonprofits use technology more effectively to meet colleagues, collaborators, and clients; learn from each other and from leaders in the field; and share information and resources.

The theme for the 2006 conference is Changing Lives and Building Community: Nonprofit Technology in Action. Across the sector, nonprofits are moving from a simple cost-cutting, operational efficiency view of technology to an understanding of technology as the force multiplier in creating change in their communities. From helping the homeless find housing, to community improvement projects, to disaster relief, the examples are clear. Are you ready for this rebirth? The Nonprofit Technology Conference will present the leading research, case studies, and real world experience from the sector to provide participants with the strategies and skills they need to do even better work.

Added by GregoryHeller on January 3, 2006



woops! here is the link to the site for the conference http://www.nten.org/ntc