5120 MacArthur Blvd
Washington, District of Columbia

Forget about French fries, this year National Fry Day is all about delicious Belgian Frites and Et Voila! Belgian Bistro is the place to be. Celebrating a day devoted to fried potato deliciousness, Et Voila! will give customers complimentary orders of the restaurant’s loved hand-cut frites all day on July 13, National Fry Day.
Et Voila! will give out orders of its crispy frites, prepared in the traditional Belgian style, during lunch and happy hour. Potato connoisseur and Chef Claudio Pirollo will also conduct frite-making demonstrations throughout the day. Pirollo will educate guests on everything from fry history (despite their name, French Fries were actually created by the Belgians), to picking the perfect potato, using GPOD potatoes for their crispness, to evenly hand-cutting each potato to create the perfect golden Belgian frite.
Frite lovers that can’t make it to Et Voila! on National Fry Day can get in on the action via Twitter. The Belgian bistro will give away several Free Future Frite Certificates over the course of the day to the restaurant’s Twitter followers. Followers will be eligible to win certificates that can be exchanged at a later date for complimentary orders of frites.

Added by Ali M on July 7, 2011

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