650A South Avenue 21
Los Angeles, California 90031

L.A. Artcore is pleased to present the work of Nancy Kyes at the L.A. Artcore Brewery Annex from July 1st through 25th.

Starting from an abundance of found materials that surround us, often unnoticed, in our daily lives, Nancy Kyes weaves sculptures that explore relationships between matter, science and spirit. Through a well considered process of involvement with each bit of trash that she picks up as she moves through her life in Southern California, she literally weaves through tying and attaching - using no adhesives or paint - sculptures that present models of order and chaos, and the many layers of meaning contrasting the part with the whole.
Moving beyond assemblage, the individual bits and pieces which possess histories of their own can be honed in on with fascination, a 'material' she crafts herself in order to weave her sculpture. Stepping back the work transforms with distinct and unified natural presence as individual sculptures. Many of the works are then grouped as part of a larger model to demonstrate an unfolding, layered relationship between each element and the expanding, energetic nature of reality. She seeks to demonstrate that reality is a tapestry of our lives, and that there is not much separation between anything at all.
In her initial Chakra Series, she works with ideas drawn from Hindu philosophy, and the idea that all matter is spirit. In her series Particle Garden, each stand-alone sculpture is an individual wave form, which are then combined to complete a larger wave form, resembling a spiral galaxy. In her current series, Blackbody Radiation / DISH, a radio antennae ties the series together, listening to the individual sculptures, just as we listen to the invisible background radiation left behind by the big bang, and evinces the underlying and often insensible layers that compose our world.
The artist was born in Virginia, and graduated from Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. She worked in film and theater in Los Angeles, and began to sculpt when she became a mother and was drawn into fascination with normal domestic chaos. She has exhibited throughout Southern California, including a residency at the Armory Northwest in Pasadena, in addition to national and international shows.

Added by LA Artcore Union Center on June 23, 2010