520-A Central Ave SE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102

Saturday, January 19, 2-5pm
Bhava Yoga Studio, 520A Central Ave. SE
Pre-registration at Bhava: $40
Day of workshop: $45

In this workshop we'll immerse ourselves in the luminous ocean of sacred sound through voice, mantra, devotion, movement, and meditation. We'll begin by creating a sacred space together for safe and playful exploration as a group. Then we will journey together through several practices to more clearly and deeply connect with the divine Presence.

You will enjoy this workshop if you wish to: open your voice more fully as a sacred instrumentm, deepen your experience of chanting, playfully explore the body as a vehicle for rhythm, and create a joyful experience of music and spirit in community with others. For more information about Heather & Benjy Wertheimer: www.shantalamusic.com

Official Website: http://bhavayogastudio.com/

Added by beadoyle on December 26, 2007

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