916 A. West 12th Street
Austin, Texas 78703

Austin Duathletes, Austin Runners Club and Bettysport would like to invite you and your members to a Multi-Club Happy Hour. We realize that most Austin athletes belong to more than one club, gym, organization, training group, etc...so we thought it would be fun for everyone to gather for a great happy hour. Everyone is welcome!!! There will be snacks, drinks(non & adult), good shopping and live music. We would love to have several groups there to represent what makes Austin a truly wonderful city to live and train.
If you care to have your club's/group's information there to share with others please drop any flyers/brochures off at Bettysport by Tuesday, Oct 14th. We will have one table to display any information about your organization, your events, races etc. If you care to donate a door prize please contact Angelica Kelly at [email protected]
Please spread the word via your contact list, newsletter, website calendar and even the good old fashion phone call.

Official Website: http://www.evite.com/app/publicUrl/WPNTDOMNUYZSXFYLLXLB/octhh08

Added by Austin Duathletes on September 22, 2008

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