4043 N Ravenswood Ave
Chicago, Illinois 60613

If you've ever wondered what Mozilla add-ons are or wanted to explore building the next great web experience via add-ons, this meetup is for you. We'll discuss some of the newest initiatives going on in the Mozilla add-on ecosystem including Collections, Contributions & more. This will be a great opportunity to meet & mingle with other add-on developers as well as pick the brains of AMO team members.

Who Should Attend?

* Web developers
* XUL developers
* Bloggers
* Journalists
* People just plain curious about Firefox Add-ons

RSVP here: http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dE1sR0dhSTV2T2xsekRrbnJSR1J5c3c6MA..

Official Website: https://wiki.mozilla.org/AddonMeetups:2009:Chicago

Added by Rey Bango on September 10, 2009