PO Box 334
Talkeetna, Alaska 99676

The Mountain Mother Contest in Talkeetna glorifies the spirit and strength of the Alaskan Woman. About 10 years ago, the women of Talkeetna rebelled against the Wilderness Woman Contest. (Listed On Upcoming) The contestants in that contest came to Talkeetna in the dead of winter, donned borrowed winter survival gear and competed for the title. The only requirement was that they be unmarried at the time. They had to hitch up a sled dog team, shoot a bow and arrow, crawl through a culvert, haul water, drive a snowmachine, clomp around in bunny boots and snowshoes, and make a sandwich for the reclining bachelor. That night, they would get all decked out and go bid on the eligible bachelors at the Bachelors' Auction. The Wilderness Woman winner would get a fur hat, a plaque, and sometimes a trip to Europe.

"Humph!", thought the hard working moms in Talkeetna! We have to do all those chores and all we get is chapped hands! We need some respect. (Talkeetna women get LOTS of respect, but they wanted recognition – and maybe a trip to Europe).

So the Mountain Mother Contest was conceived. The only requirement was that the contestant be a mom – married or not. And it would be in the summer, when the kids could watch how hard their moms worked. And it would be more realistic. So the feats are (done with a "baby" in a pack on their backs): walk a log in hip waders, carrying 2 buckets of water; "shoot" a balloon moose with a bow and arrow, "catch" a fish, chop up firewood, change the baby and wash out the diaper, make a "pie" and call the kids in. Winner got some useful things, like an appointment at the local beauty shop for a hair cut, manicure and massage; a nice dinner out; gift certificates from the local shops. And a nice warm jacket with "Mountain MAMA!" on the back.

Only 10-12 contestants can enter each year, and there is always a waiting list. There is no fee to enter, and for years the contest has been sponsored by the local telephone company (a mama's best friend). All ages of women enter; everyone gets cheered along. It is a great fun time for the whole family.

This event has been incorporated into the Annual Moose Dropping Festival, which is the second Saturday and Sunday in July. Usually, it is on Saturday, but it has been known to move around a bit.
(Listed On Upcoming)

So, now do you want to know about Attilla the Mom?

Official Website: http://www.talkeetnachamber.org/event-mountainmother.html

Added by ladyirene on June 8, 2008


dizzy lizzy

I've been raising the grandkids here in Alaska since my children decided to go the way of the weed. I'm pretty rugged.