San Francisco Bay Area, California

If you’re like many of the people I work with, you may be curious about the latest tech tools and apps that could help you better run your business and your life – but you don’t have time to research them all. Who does? It’s not your job to know everything about technology.

That’s where I come in. I LOVE helping people just like you discover and choose the best technology to help them solve their biggest organizing and productivity challenges. I’ve done all the research and testing for you, and want to share with you some of my best recommendations for online tools that can have a real impact in your business and save you time in your day.

If you’re ready to stop wasting time wondering what apps to choose, then you MUST listen to my FREE teleclass…

Date/Time: Friday, 11/18/11, 1 PM PST / 4 PM EST
Duration: 45-60 minutes
Location: Phone, from the comfort of your office or home

Even if you’ve heard me talk about tech tools and online apps before, I invite you to join me on this free call, as I’ll be sharing with you some of my most recent finds and how they can help you!

So don’t miss this exciting opportunity to learn my top picks amongst the countless apps that are out there, so you can start gaining productivity IMMEDIATELY! You have NOTHING to lose and only your sanity – and time – to gain!


Official Website:

Added by Custom Living Solutions on November 9, 2011