505 NW Couch, Suite 300
Portland, Oregon 97209

Mobile Portland is a local user group focused on mobile development. We cover everything from application development and SMS to mobile web technology.

We meet on the fourth Monday of every month.

Our March topic is the iPhone SDK. We'll be covering:

* What is the iPhone SDK and how to get it
* Introduction to the SDK and how to develop with it
* Web development with the new SDK and new Safari features
* iPhone SDK limitations and controversy

Nick Jacobsen (http://www.lokkju.com/blog/) has volunteered to lead us in a discussion about application development as well as the SDK limitations. Jason Grigsby will talk briefly about how the SDK impacts web developers and the new features in Safari.

Come catch the mobile wave!

Official Website: http://mobileportland.com

Added by grigs on March 7, 2008



I'll be out of town that day, have fun! I'll catch the next one.


I'd attend, but I have a dinner with relatives in town planned. I run the CocoaHeads Portland chapter, and last meeting we also did an introduction to the iPhone SDK.