City Road
London, England EC1V 2TT

The mobile industry is saturated with small technology-focused players who have little understanding of marketing. Outdated views that mobile marketing is only about text messaging are inaccurate; in recent years it has moved way beyond this.

This practical course has a wide-reaching remit and will cover the scope of mobile marketing and the tactics currently available, from SMS and mobile websites to application downloads and mobile advertising. It will also touch on mobile TV, proximity location based services and new technologies.

Who should attend?
Brands, agencies and planners who want to get a handle on what is happening in the mobile marketing and advertising world. A basic understanding of marketing is useful, though knowledge is not assumed. This is not a technology course.

How will I benefit?
You will be able to understand the importance and relevance of mobiles for your industry, company, and most importantly, your customers. Once you have acquired this knowledge you will be able to make a judgment call on how best to incorporate mobile into your marketing mix.

What will I learn?
A range of techniques to help you plan and execute an effective mobile marketing campaign, including best practice, historical context and a brief insight into current trends and future directions. Discover how to integrate mobile with other media (on and off-line), campaign planning and supplier selection, handling and fulfilment, testing and measurement.

Key learning outcomes

• Understanding the role of mobile marketing for your business
• Current statistics of usage by handset and type of content
• Integrate mobile with other media (on and off-offline) and asses where and how it fits in
• Use case studies and real examples of innovative (and not so innovative) campaigns to illustrate industry best practice

Official Website:

Added by E-consultancy on October 27, 2009