1143 Borregas Avenue
Sunnyvale, California 94089

Sponsored By: BridgeWave Communications, Juniper Networks and Vantrix

As we move from 3G to 4G networks, reaching speeds around 10Mbps to mobile devices, the last hop solutions are finally able to meet current demand. However, a frequent bottleneck occurs in the middle mile between the cellular tower and the core network. Heterogeneous Networks are now emerging that will increase the number cells by including picocells, microcells, femtocells and more. All of these will add to the complexity of the backhaul operations.

And just when all the base stations have been upgraded to fiber, will future technologies like LTE Advanced delivering speeds of up to 1Gbps (!!) mean that those OC-3s at 155Mbps are completely overwhelmed by the wireless traffic?
*Far from being a boring aspect of the wireless ecosystem, the surge in data has made Backhaul one of the more dynamic and important network characteristics, with lots of innovation and capital being spent.
*What is the right fiber connection to trench to a cell tower today?
*What are the options for backhauling cellular?
*What solutions are emerging?
*What opportunities are available for carriers and entrepreneurs in this sector?

About The Mobile Forum:
The Telecom Council's Mobile Forum gathers approximately 75 wireless executives every 8-10 weeks to discuss topics pushing the envelope of innovation for mobile. These meetings are 1/2 day executive format meetings with plenty of networking time, presentations, panels, and startup presentation which offer wireless carriers, vendors, startups, and investors a venue to connect, communicate, and collaborate. These meetings are free the Telecom Council members, or $200 for non-members when space allows.

Official Website: http://telecomcouncil.cvent.com/event/MF_Backhaul

Added by FullCalendar on June 17, 2011