4115 N Mississippi Ave
Portland, Oregon 97217

Busiest business day annually on N Mississippi Avenue
Portland’s first carbon neutral street fair
Best Special Event in Oregon 2005
Awarded by the Oregon Downtown Development Association
Presented by: Historic Mississippi Ave Business Association (HMBA) & Boise Neighborhood Association (BNA)
Benefits: The Boise-Eliot Elementary and Albina Youth Opportunity Schools

Location: N Mississippi Ave - 5 blocks bounded by N Fremont and N Skidmore (closed to vehicular traffic)
The Mississippi Avenue Street Fair is a community-building event that began nine years ago as the Boise-Eliot Multicultural Fair. The street fair celebrates the neighbors, businesses and organizations that make their home in the Mississippi Avenue neighborhood - honoring history and tradition while embracing diversity and sustainability.

Added by Chad Smoot on March 18, 2011