824 Hennepin Ave
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403

824 Hennepin Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55403
Audiences can take a break from the holiday crazies and laugh at the shopping, parties, and family stress-fests that punctuate this most wondrous time of year. The annual holiday revue will feature both festive new sketches and BNW yuletide favorites with the same audacious spirit of irreverent festivity the theatre has been cranking out for over 53 years. This will be the first show featuring the troupe's resident cast in the newly renovated 824 Hennepin Ave. theatre, nothing short of the best Christmas present ever. Not yet connected to the skyway, the new theatre offers ample parking options, octuple the restrooms, and a full bar. Now do you believe in miracles?

Added by steph_ak_scott on October 27, 2011

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