21111 Haggerty Rd.
Novi, Michigan 48375

Speaker: Benyamim [Benny] Tsedaka, Israelite Samaritan: Editor of the weekly newspaper "A. B. - The Samaritan News;" director of the "A. B. Institute of Samaritan Studies" in Holon, Israel, writer of 95 books and publications on the Israelite Samaritans, their history and culture; one of the founders and members of SE [Socie'te Etudes Samaritains = Society of Samaritan Studies]; member of EABS [European Association of Biblical Studies] and author of the entries on the Samaritans for the Encyclopedia Judaica, Encyclopedia Hebraica, Encyclopedia Britanica and Encyclopedia of Zionism.

6-8 p.m.
The history of the Israelite Samaritans until the present times
Life cycle - from circumcision to the last day of life
The Good Samaritan - the parable and real life
Samaritan eschatology in relation to other religions
10 minute movie "The Political Situation of the Samaritans"
Participants - Q&A

8-10 p.m.
The Samaritan Festivals and how they practice them
The new archeological findings on Mount Gerizim and the link to the Dead Sea Scrolls
Practicing of the reading of the Law in Ancient Hebrew pronunciation
The Israelite Samaritan Music - The most ancient in existence (singing and practicing)
30 minute movie: The Israelite Samaritans - "The Commandment Keepers"
Participants- Q&A

To register: http://www.msu.edu/~dufouryv/