7998 Main St
Cincinnati, Ohio 45201

Mark your calendars; October 10th is the date of the largest paranormal fest in southwest Ohio! Come join Cincinnati Area Paranormal Existence Research for this FREE all day event in Miamitown. Main Street in Miamitown will be transformed! From 11am – 7pm meet many of the biggest names in the Ohio paranormal field. There will also be crafts and food available brought to you by the Miami Historical Society of Whitewater Township.

CAPER will be presenting “Meet The Ghost Hunters” at 2:00 and following their presentation at 3:00 they will be having a “Junior Ghost Hunt”. Enjoy their interactive display and learn the science behind ghost hunting. Many activities are planned to get you in the mood for Halloween. Admission is free! Bring the kids; bring your friends, you’re sure to have a good time!

Added by otodama on September 20, 2009

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