Three Embarcadero Center
San Francisco, California 94111

1 CPE Credit

Metrics Mapping guides the choice of ScoreCard metrics in order to demonstrate the link between workforce initiatives and business success. It begins with understanding business goals, and then asks, "Where is our workforce ready, and where NOT ready - NOT trained and prepared, NOT skilled in the core processes critical to company success?

Explore the process of Metrics Mapping, and:
* Clarifying company business goals and critical core processes
* Analyzing workforce readiness to skillfully execute those core processes
* Identifying HR's role in improving workforce readiness
* Identifying metrics that, over time, map the improvement of workforce competencies and core process competencies that drive customer retention and financial results

The result is a chain of metrics that shows the links between HR's workforce development efforts, the company's execution of core processes, and measurable market and financial results - a chain that demonstrates HR's contribution, a chain of metrics that matter.

Michael Selby is a performance management consultant with 30-plus years of experience helping companies develop human capital and improve business results. From his early days as an organizational development manager at Hewlett-Packard, he has helped over 3 dozen major companies improve results through the use of company-wide Balanced ScoreCards, as well as Workforce and HR ScoreCards. Whether your company is in bio-tech, hospitality, insurance, professional services, manufacturing or software, Michael has built ScoreCards for, and knows the measures of your industry.

Desired Level of Experience: VP's of HR and Internal Operations, HR functional Directors and Senior Managers, HR generalists in business partners or consulting roles, as well as the CFO's, COO's, and Business Unit managers who are their business partners.

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Added by FullCalendar on February 11, 2010