23 Meyers Place
Melbourne, Victoria 3000

On February 28th, Paul Fenwick (managing director of Perl Training Australia) will be presenting on the topic of starting an open source business. The event will occur at our new location of Loop Bar in the city.


Wouldn't it be great if you could make money by working with the software you love? Wouldn't it be fantastic to be your own boss, working with open source tools on open source projects, and doing it all on a schedule that you decide?

Starting a small business of any description is a big leap, and most small businesses fail. Starting your own business to specialise in open source technologies is an even bigger hurdle; how do you make money to live off from software that is given away for free?

In this talk Paul Fenwick, managing director of Perl Training Australia, will relate his experiences in starting a successful open source business. We will examine finding and keeping clients, money, employees, and how to remain sane.

Sponsor: www.sitepoint.com

Official Website: http://webstandardsgroup.org/meetings/index.cfm?event_id=149

Added by willdonovan_australia on February 19, 2008