335 Somerville Avenue
Somerville, Massachusetts 02145

The Mass Technology Leadership Council is holding its first TweetUp!

What's a TweetUp? It's simply a "meet up" (networking event) that everyone spreads the word about through Twitter.

Here's why you should come to the MassTLC TweetUp!

* Network with your sales and marketing peers
* Drink great beer and maybe win a prize
* Listen to live music by Amy Black & the Red Clay Rascals http://www.amyblacklive.com
(Amy just happens to be co-chairing our Social Media Advisory Board with Paul Gillin)!

It's an informal hang out. Nothing scripted. Just a good time had by all!

So, add yourself to the guest list and tell your friends (they don't have to be a member to come). Just send the link from this page out on Twitter or in an email to your sales and marketing colleagues.

If you have a Twitter name, share it below in the comments section!

See you soon,
MassTLC Social Media Cluster Advisory Board (now, that's a mouthful!)

Added by amyjblack on September 18, 2009



Sounds like fun - see you there @MichelleMMM


Sounds like fun - see you there http://twitter.com/MichelleMMM