3032 Richmond Rd
Williamsburg, Virginia 23185

MarsCon is a weekend party for people who enjoy Science Fiction. It's a chance to get together, meet new friends and talk about SF, or Fantasy or whatever else you like to talk about. If you like to game, we have lots of gaming. We have Japanese Animation. We have Special Music. We have Panels and Workshops. We have a small but nice Dealers Room and an excellent Art show. We have the Coyote Run. Did I mention the huge indoor heated pool? Add the God Emperor of All Con Suites and you have a great recipe for a con. Basically, we have lots of fun.

We do not have tons of Media guests or big name guests who hide in their room and never talk to anyone. You can find Peter in the dealers room and Patty in the Gaming Room running Aliens. Bud and Rikk can be found in the Con Suite or in the Hallways with a group of friends discussing topics galore. Luna-C can be found in the LaRP, and Robin Welch can be found filking in the Con-Suite. In general, Marscon is not your large convention.

It's like going to visit your family or friends.

Official Website: http://www.marscon.net/

Added by SARudy on May 31, 2007