1077 Independence Ave
Mountain View, California 94043

Learn how to build a map of the social network surrounding your brand, conference, product, or event.

This is a hands-on guide to creating social network maps from live twitter data.

- Create a visualization that reveals groups, communities and influential participants in the swarm of people mentioning keywords of interest to you.

- Create a visual web of the relationships among the people who mention these keywords when they follow, mention or reply to one another.

- Learn how to calculate key metrics using a free and open add-in for Excel 2007 (NodeXL) that can identify key contributors who play influential roles in your communities.

- Compare your maps to other workshop participants and to a growing gallery of maps of keywords related to conferences like Web2.0, Enterprise 2.0, 140conf, and others.

- Come with your own query terms and make a map during the workshop with our assistance.

Instructor's Background:

Dr. Marc A. Smith is a sociologist and Chief Social Scientist at Connected Action Consulting Group a provider of fine quality social media analysis platforms and systems. Smith specializes in the social organization of online communities and computer mediated interaction. He founded and managed the Community Technologies Group at Microsoft Research in Redmond, Washington and is now leading the development of social media reporting and analysis tools for Connected Action Consulting Group.

Official Website: http://smanalysistwitter.eventbrite.com/

Added by FullCalendar on November 8, 2009