10th Street and Wabash Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60605

Experience Manifest. Columbia College Chicago's urban arts festival celebrates the next generation of artists and creative professionals.

Manifest is an urban arts festival celebrating the work and creativity of Columbia students. Each year it attracts an audience of students, faculty, staff, parents, friends, alumni, patrons, donors, industry professionals, neighborhood residents, and the Chicago arts community. The festival is free and open to the public and features music, exhibitions, screenings, presentations, performances, and much more!

Kick off Rally, Blick Main Stage Lot, 10th Street and Wabash Avenue
Noon - 1 p.m.

Visit the website for the schedule of events, www.colum.edu/manifest

Official Website: http://www.colum.edu/manifest

Added by mediarelationsasst on April 13, 2011

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