4820 Business Center Dr, Ste 100
Fairfield, California 94534

1.5 General Recertification Credits

Today's social media platforms offer extraordinary capabilities and unique opportunities to bring about significant business and personal benefits, including career planning and management. Instead, many get caught up in the social "chatter" and don't fully leverage the capabilities of these platforms. Some even write them off all together as irrelevant or unimportant -- the place where people post what they had for lunch.

Whatever your view on social media, the reality is that 100's of millions of users--from clients to family members---engage in these platforms. Learn to strategically and purposefully use social media to achieve significant business and personal value. Additionally, find out about the Results Curve --available as a free ebook to all attendees--and how it can help you manage social media and other interrupting technologies such as e-mail and Instant Messaging.

About the Presenter
Pierre Khawand Founder & CEO of People-OnTheGo, www.people-onthego.com, has more than twenty years of experience in the software industry. He has led several technology ventures, completed successful mergers and acquisitions, and founded People-OnTheGo in 2001. His best-selling Accomplishing More With Less workshop and book enables business professionals to better cope with information overload and competing priorities. Pierre is also the author of the popular less-is-more blog. Pierre holds a Master's degree in Engineering from the University of Michigan, and has completed several Executive Education programs at the Stanford Graduate School of Management.

Official Website: http://www.nchra.org

Added by FullCalendar on November 9, 2011

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