1077 Independence Ave
Mountain View, California 94043

The average consumer is inundated with messages about products and services and the effectiveness of traditional marketing has decreased. Consumers have learned to tune out these ads. Social Media marketing has emerged as a means of engaging customers in 2 way conversations to provide a means to do more than just market to your customer. In this presentation we will introduce you to social media marketing and how to get started effectively.

Aaron C. Newman is the Founder and President of Techrigy, Inc. Newman is responsible for leading the organization and defining the company's overall vision.

Newman is a serial entrepreneur having previously founded two successful startups, DbSecure and Application Security, Inc. Over the past decade, Newman has been widely regarded as one of the world's leading database experts. Newman is the author of Enterprise 2.0, printed by McGraw-Hill, and the Oracle Security Handbook, printed by Oracle Press.

Gourmet dinner and wine are included!

$20 online, $30 at the door.

Official Website: http://www.meetup.com/CIO-IT-Executives/calendar/9761876/

Added by FullCalendar on February 18, 2009