1121 First Ave
Dallas, Texas 75226

Friday, May 26, 2006 8PM $5.00
BY Molefi Asante
Magnolia Lounge, Fair Park, South Dallas TX
Malcolm was a cultural worker. His aim was to collect the people into a community of solidarity so that the new cultural energies would arise from the common purpose...he wanted to establish a national consciousness which would render ineffective that old Negro order. Malcolm said "This type of so called Negro, by being intoxicated over the white man, he never sees beyond the white man. He never sees beyond America. He never looks at himself or where he fits into things on the world stage...And it puts him in the role of beggar--cowardly, humble, Uncle Tomming beggar on anything that he says is--that should be his by right." From Malcolm X As Cultural Hero by Molefi Asante
Call 214-426-1683

Official Website: http://www.blackcinematheque.com/