1020A Woodruff Road
Greenville, South Carolina 29607

Join us at Fiction Addiction for a signing event featuring the following three mystery authors:

Kathleen Delaney signing Murder Half Baked (paperback, $17.95)
Ellis Vidler signing Cold Comfort (paperback, $14.99)
Linda Lovely signing Dear Killer (paperback, $15.95)

About Kathleen Delaney: Kathleen grew up in Glendale, California, when it was a small town, or at least a small city. Books had always been one of the most important things in her life. She still remembers, at age five, getting her first library card. Naturally, authors were special people, a breed apart, not to be emulated by lowly beings such as her. Only, as she got older and read more, she began to question that belief. Could she also - - -? As it turned out, she could. After a lot of hours surrounded by torn up pages from her legal pad, even more in front of the computer screen, (she became very familiar with the delete button) and a roomful of rejection slips, she sold her first article to Family Fun, “Blue Ribbon Blues”. Soon after, her first novel, Dying For A Change, was named a finalist in the St. Martin’s Malice Domestic contest, and was accepted for publication by Publish America. The third book in the Ellen McKenzie series will be out in July, the fourth is almost finished, and there are more in the pipeline. There have been several short stories, one of which, “The Trip” will appear in central coast anthology due about the same time as Dessert.

Kathleen has recently retired from real estate to pursue writing full time. Her long time love of small towns sent her looking through the Carolina’s for a new place to settle. Gaffney. Limestone College, a delightful historic district, and great library immediately drew her in. She lives in a wonderful 100 year old house, with a wrap around front porch, where she and her dogs can wile away a summer afternoon, and a big office, lined with bookcases, where she can spend her days writing. And, as always, reading.

About Ellis Vidler: Ellis is a writer and editor. She won the South Carolina Writers Conference prize for short fiction and was a finalist in or won a few contests. Her first novel, Haunting Refrain, was published by Silver Dagger Mysteries. She is the co-author of The Peeper with Jim Christopher. She is currently a member of Sisters in Crime and Romance Writers of America and lives with her husband and dogs in the South Carolina piedmont.

About Linda Lovely: Linda grew up in Keokuk, Iowa, a Mississippi River town that was a great place for kids. We could walk or bicycle just about everywhere. Nancy Drew and Perry Mason served up our closest encounters with murder. If my sister and I heard creepy noises in the basement, Mom blamed them on Casper the friendly ghost.

Back then I never dreamed I’d write a book, let alone a romantic suspense novel or mystery. But I loved stories—hearing them, reading them, inventing them. Our spooky basement was the scene of many a candlelit séance, where my grade school friends and I tried to scare the bejeesus out of one another with ghost stories. My great aunt, who lived with us for a time, acted out Mac Beth—“out, out damn spot”—as a bedtime story for my sister and me.

When I entered Northwestern University, I planned to become a lawyer. Soon though, I started hanging out with journalism types and was seduced into the cult. It’s a decision I’ve never regretted.

But, after many years of writing for other people—ad copy, newsletters, trade magazine features, speeches, technical manuals (anything for a buck)—I decided it was time to write for me. To try to author the kind of books I love to read.

Official Website: http://fiction-addiction.com

Added by FictionAddiction on October 21, 2011

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