1890 Huntington Drive
San Marino, California 91108

Attention all adults: get ready for a big night of abracadabra! Come experience magician BRUCE PEROVICH at Crowell Public Library with all the supernatural chills, thrills and comedy that comes with truly amazing feats of thaumaturgy, conjuring and sorcery to boot. There might be a rabbit, there might be a dove, but there will definitely be awe and hilarity. And, there will be audience participation, so be prepared for hack saws and wands. No animals or humans will be harmed!

Since 1981 Bruce's magic has been enjoyed by thousands of people throughout the country. His wit and charm have pleased audiences at countless corporate parties, festivals and schools -- a plethora of fascinating venues including Sears, Hilton Hotels, and Disney Studios. Bruce has performed for some amazing celebrities as well, including Paul McCartney, Tom Petty, Norman Lear and Harrison Ford. For many years Bruce has been a member of the famous and exclusive Magic Castle in Hollywood where he has performed for his peers countless times.

Don’t miss this magical evening of entertainment at Crowell Library – where you don’t have to buy an expensive dinner to get in!

Added by Crowell Library on March 2, 2011

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