21 Albemarle Street
London, England W1S 4BS

"Computer technology touches almost every aspect of our lives, and today computers perform many extraordinary tasks beyond the capabilities of any human. However, there are huge information processing challenges in these tasks - such as recognising everyday objects, translating text between languages, or discovering the genetic origins of human diseases - which lie beyond the reach of conventional computational methods. Remarkably, such problems can be tackled by programming the computer to learn by experience, in much the same way as people do.

This discourse will explore and explain the exciting field of machine learning, and will provide insights into the way in which computers are literally trained to solve difficult tasks. It will be illustrated with graphic examples drawn from diverse areas such as digital photography, handwriting recognition, and even the oriental strategy game of Go."

Tickets are free to Ri members, £9 non-members.

Official Website: http://www.rigb.org/eventControl?action=detail&id=359

Added by nico_macdonald on November 29, 2007



Note hidden in a popup linked from the bow-tie: "If you haven't been before, you should bear in mind that FEDs are by tradition formal occasions, and while evening dress is not obligatory, it is customary. Smart dress is acceptable"


Chris Bishop is an old contact of mine through my network in machine learning around 15-18 years ago - but it is difficult to get hold of him - unlike many more influential people - must be the MS bug! If you have a solid connection with him for having coffee then get in touch.


In my experience, smart dress is fine particularly if you are not dining beforehand. I don't know Prof Christopher Bishop, and sadly was not able to attend.