24 West 57th St
New York City, New York

For Immediate Release:

LUXE presents -What a Great Space You Have…- an exhibition curated by Marc Glöde

June 24th - July 29th , 2006

Opening Reception: Saturday June 24th, 2006. 6-8pm.

The difference between self and surrounding space, which can be understood as the relationship between the limit of one’s individual extension and the expanse of a world beyond, has been a major topic in the shifting philosophical approaches to the concept of space in the last century. In philosophy, this has resulted in the concept of an “art of interacting,” which finds a counterpart in much of the central issues in current art.

By adopting this topic and taking into consideration the context of specific institutions, such as the museum, the gallery, or the home, younger artistic positions combined questions of space with aspects of an institutional critique, which results in an investigation of their historical, psychological, and aesthetic determinations.

The artists presented in the show “What a great space you have…” are occupied in this field of discourse, as they relate to questions and determinations of space in general, while simultaneously are positioned into a gallery’s space of the right here, right now. Through their art they raise questions of how to deal with different kinds of existing settings or interiors. By asking: ‘What does it mean to take space? To find a place? To get involved with a specific space at a specific time? What does it mean concerning a specific history? And what does it mean in general to inhabit?’ these artists open up a discussion about the very act of inhabiting, interior space, and the potential of strategies towards identification. Between pathetic gesture and uncanny trials, they explore such positions and ideas. They dislocate “well known concepts” and in that way attempt different possibilities for space, interior, institution, and identity, while at the same time seek out new roles and potential of art at the current moment.

The participating artists are: Bettina Allamoda, Aziz & Cucher, Nicole Cohen, Discoteca Flaming Star, Dominique, Ellen Harvey, Karen Kimmel, Igor Mischiyev, and Albrecht Schäfer.

Marc Glöde was born in Aachen, Germany. He studied at the Free University Berlin, where he is an Assistant Professor & Research Fellow in the Department of Film Studies. He has curated numerous exhibitions and film-series, is the Co-Director of the Wild Walls Film Festival (Berlin, Los Angeles, London and New York) and will be curator for the Experimenta film-festival Bombay in 2007. He has published widely within the field. His latest publication is Igor Mischiyev: MultiStoryCarPark. He currently lives in Berlin and New York City.

Also at Luxe Gallery

NEVERLAND curated by Stephan Stoyanov

Amelie Chabannes
Karen Gunderson
Dominik Lejman
Allan Packer
Lisa Roy
Lydia Venieri

For further information, please contact Director, Stephan Stoyanov or Nora Klumpp on (212) 582- 4425.

Luxe Gallery would like to thank Diane Ackerman, Nathalie Angles, Emmanuel Barbault, Catherine and Patrick de Saint- Aignan, Alice Kosmin, Jack Helgesen, Rolf Hoff, Anne Hugard & Patrice Lataillade, Scott & Kelly Miller, Neil Simon, Michael Straus and Wiesje & Jack van Hulst for their continuous support and enthusiasm about our program. Above all, we would like to thank all of the artists who participated in our shows for making the 2006 program the most successful season since our inception.

Stephan Stoyanov

Official Website: http://luxegallery.net

Added by jon.cronin on June 19, 2006

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