67 Morris St
Morristown, New Jersey

Do you work in the Morristown area? Then meet up with other Young Professionals for a "Lunch Break". This event will be part networking and part socializing. Bring business cards if you have them but also bring your appetite and your spirit for making new local friends.

Who Can Attend:
This will be a Members only event, aka you paid your Membership Dues.
Tickets are NOT required but you MUST print out a copy of your NJYP profile page as proof that you paid your dues. In lieu of printing you can also pull up your profile on your smart phone (bookmark your URL).

We will be ordering from their Express Lunch Menu http://njyperks.com/GMExpress.jpg which is $12 per person after tax and tip. You will pay extra if you order drinks.

The restaurant will want RSVPs so please let us know if you are coming or thinking of coming. Reminders will be sent out the day before so that you can update your RSVP.

Finding the Group:
Ask for the NJYP party once you arrive.


There is a big lot behind the restaurant.

Official Website: http://www.njyp.org/events/lunch-break-in-morristown

Added by its_supersara on February 18, 2010

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