462 Stevens Ave, Ste 202
Solana Beach, California 92075

Be part of a community of like-minded individuals, who believe in continuous learning and self-development.

If you want to improve your own growth potential, while helping building an exciting business, then you owe it to yourself to explore this community of individuals committed to learning.

How often have you looked in the mirror and thought, "My life is perfect"? Your job is rewarding and fulfilling, you’re making enough to live extremely comfortably and your friends and loved ones share your vision for success and happiness.
Never? Then maybe it’s time for a change...Maybe it’s time to Reinvent yourself and your life into something you’ve always dreamed of!

Join us to introduce you to the first website dedicated to personal and professional development that broadcasts full-screen, high-definition training videos over the internet. Prior to this event, please go to www.iLearningGlobal.tv and click on the Blue "Video Theater" Link. Enjoy a Visitor’s Tour and watch the first video, Brian’s “Freeway of Life.” . This is the new direction in learning, no more seminars to attend, books or cds to buy. For more info please visit www.visualizeitnow.com or call 619-887-0932.

*All attendees will have the opportunity to receive info on how to get a FREE copy of Brian Tracy's "Eat That Frog". Please print out this ad an bring to the presentation with you. I look forward to meeting you.
Brian Tracy International
462 Stevens Avenue
Suite 202
Solana Beach, CA 92075

Brian Traichel

Official Website: http://www.visualizeitnow.com

Added by obtraich on June 9, 2009

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