10 Great Pulteney Street, W1R 3DG
London, England

Registration is required via the web site. The talks are:

Validity checking? Business Rules? - Oliver Sturm (http://www.sturmnet.org/blog/)

Not all data is equal, as everybody will tell you who's been developing business applications. There are rules for the validity of information, and these have to be checked and the end user must be provided with helpful information through the UI. But exactly when do you do this? And how? And what about the next customer who wants everything to work just a little bit differently? This presentation introduces a framework for validity checking and answers all these questions.

What can WS-Security do that IPSec or SSL can't? - Chris Seary (http://blog.searyblog.com/)

Why use it at all? Chris will give a high level view of when, how and why it should be used, and what advantages it can offer. He will then dive into code samples demonstrating message level security using both WSE and WCF. There'll be lots of boiler plate code made available that you can add to your projects.

Official Website: http://www.dnug.org.uk/

Added by Anthony Steele on January 9, 2007