367 George Street
New Brunswick, New Jersey


Are you ready to expand your network of contacts? Are you looking for a new job? Then join us for an evening of "Links and Drinks" where you will meet a variety of career oriented professionals. Come on out after work to trade business cards, trade ideas, or trade contacts, all while in a fun and friendly environment. Music will be down and lights will be up.

Added Value:
Walk away with a list of those who attended. Everyone will receive an information sheet that will list each attendees’ first name, job title, company, and email.

Who Should Attend:
This event is open to ALL ages and will be advertised on various NJ Networking boards.

Business Cards:
Please bring 20-50 business cards if possible.

NJYP or NJP Member Cost:
$5 for the first 20 to register
$10 for the next 21 to 50 to register
$15 for the next 51 to 100 to register
$20 for walk-ins

Non-Member Cost:
$20 online and at the door

If you are unemployed and collecting benefits BRING YOUR UNEMPLOYMENT CARD (or other evidence) to get in for FREE. Please note we still need you to click "Buy a Ticket" above.

There are a limited number of Tickets for sale. Tickets are not mailed, but your name will be kept at the door.
All sales are final.

Dress Code:
No sneakers, t-shirts, or athletic gear.

How to Find the Group:
The entire venue will be ours until 830pm.

There is street parking and there is a deck within a block of Glo. http://glonj.com/

Added by its_supersara on March 8, 2010

Interested 1