567 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Meetup group to discuss and study language and science. This includes linguistics, lanauge in other sciences, language in light of other sciences, etc. etc.
Basically, we all think language is pretty neat. Some of us are linguists, others are mathematicians, and there might be even a few adventurous specializers in liberal arts, but mostly we just enjoy discussing issues related to language.

NO PRIOR KNOWLEDGE OF LINGUISTICS IS REQUIRED. If you've always been interested, but never had the time to find out more about language, this would be a nice place to start!

Fourth Wednesday of every month. Changes would be indicated on the website.

The Enormous Room is in Central Square: 567 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA. Next to the Central Kitchen. Only marking is a red elephant on the door.

Official Website: http://lasig.logarchy.org

Added by Anateus on August 20, 2007

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