Hope St, Liverpool, L1 9BP
Liverpool, England

Two time 2013 Oscar winner: Best Actor and Best Production Design

Director Steven Spielberg 2013 150mins
Starring Daniel Day-Lewis, Sally Field,
Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Tommy Lee Jones

Contains infrequent moderate war violence,
gore and strong language

In a nation divided by war and the strong winds of change, Lincoln pursues a course of action designed to end the war, unite the country and abolish slavery. With the moral courage and fierce determination to succeed, his choices during this critical moment will change the fate of generations to come. The New Statesman is among the tides of praise for Day-Lewis’s Oscar winning performance saying he ‘is genuinely mesmerising...His charisma is quietly dazzling’.

Official Website: http://crd.fm/2en

Added by Liverpool Philharmonic on April 8, 2013