1100 Santa Cruz Ave
Menlo Park, California 94025

While the Neophytes (those newly initiated into the Church at the Easter Vigil, April 3rd) are now engaging the Mystagogies (study of the Sacraments the Church celebrated with them and discovery of thei in the Church and its mission to the world), oldtimers should not feel left out.
This one great Sunday (all 50 days of Easter, Magna Domenica according to St. Athanasius) encourages all Catholics to “feel
their oats,” tune into the renewal within and around them, and so
feel jump-started in their Catholic life. “Belonging,” “Discovering,”
“Outreaching,” and “Stretching” are all words most appropriate to
our Catholic behavior during this season.
Please accept this invitation to learn more about the Easter we
celebrate by attending a presentation on Tuesday, April 27th in the
church from 7 to 8pm, to be given by Fr. David Pettingill.

Added by St Raymond Parish Menlo Park on April 23, 2010