3060 Brereton St
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219

Learn to garden from a fantastic teacher & community legend! In this free event, Terry Doloughty, President of the Polish Hill Civic Association, will be teaching us to successfully transplant perennial plants. RSVP at http://www.communiteach.com/learnit.php?glid=313

Learn to use the existing plants in your yard and your community to propagate plants for free. Terry will show you how to transplant using his irises, garlic, blackberries, etc. Bring a plastic pot with you, as some samples will be available to take home. See you there! This event sponsored by CommuniTeach. For any skill you want to learn, CommuniTeach finds someone in your community to teach it to you for free. http://communiteach.com

Added by The Wawadoo on July 26, 2011

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