2380 Firewheel Pkwy
Garland, Texas 75040

Get in shape while having fun learning to dance Salsa, Merengue, Bachata, Quebradita, Cha-cha-cha, Reggaeton, Hip-hop, Samba, Cumbia and many other Latin rythms. This is a great workout for those interested not only in learning basic moves for latin rythms, but also those who want to improve their coordination and learn new moves.

We meet every Tuesday night at 7 pm for 1 hour. You do not need a partner! Open to everyone who wants to learn basic moves and improve their rythm and coordination in the different styles.

Our format is very friendly and everyone can learn.

Ditch the workout, come and have fun while burning calories!!!

This class is perfect for begginers and intermediate levels. Your first class is free. Additional classes are only $7 each. No membership or contracts to sign. Pay as you go, stop whenever, come back anytime.

Added by patyal68 on March 20, 2009

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