orlando, Florida 30058

Learn about the new cpr and aed guidelines including "Hands-Only" cpr, "CAB" cpr and new first aid skills at http://www.newcprguidelinesupdate2010.com

New CPR Guidelines Emphasize Compressions First American Heart Association says press hard and fast, whether an expert or untrained. The simplified form of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR, focuses on giving chest compressions to keep the blood -- and the oxygen in the blood -- flowing to the heart and brain. If after you give 30 hard and fast chest compressions, you are trained or can perform mouth to mouth, do 2 one second breaths, then repeat 30 compressions until the aed arrives, you see signs of life or until ems or someone higher trained takes over.

After calling 911 and doing these compressions, (or breaths and compressions) if someone else is nearby, send that person in search of an automatic external defibrillator (AED), a device that can shock the heart back into normal rhythm. "To give the victim the best chance of survival, three actions must occur within the first moments of a cardiac arrest: activation of the EMS [emergency medical services] system, provision of CPR and operation of a defibrillator," the new guidelines state. People currently are trained to learn the ABCs of CPR -- which stand for airway, breathing and compressions. But the AHA now suggests that the order should be CAB -- compressions first, then airway and breathing. The idea is the same as before, though: Get blood and oxygen moving as quickly as possible.

If you are not trained in CPR, you can at least call 911 and push on the chest, AKA "Call and Compress". Studies show these two steps, called Hands-Only CPR, can be as effective as conventional CPR Hands-Only CPR is a potentially lifesaving option to be used by people not trained in conventional CPR or those who are unsure of their ability to give the combination of chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth breathing it requires. In any case, learning cpr and doing something is better than nothing. Learn to save a life!


Added by cpraedblsaclstrainer on November 25, 2010