167 Bleecker at Sullivan
New York City, New York 10012

Speed dating is a lot of fun. All the men will go on dates with up to 15 women. On a card that we will give everyone at the beginning of the event, each man and woman will let us know who they liked. If two people pick each other then they are a match, and we will send them each others contact info the very next day! The good thing about speed dating is there is no pressure and no one has to be nervous about being turned down by anyone, because everyone will understand that they must let us know who they liked on the card.

The event costs only $35 for men and women. >>>Special for women: 2 for 1. With the purchase of one ticket 2 women can participate. After you register, just email us your friend's name, email, and phone number and we will add her to our list of participants. Everyone will get a free drink!

There will be drink specials at the venue too. And your first drink is free!

Now, go to our official website and sign up for our Latino speed dating event: http://www.nyminutedating.com

See you there!

Note, Meetup is just one way we are promoting our event. This event is being promoted all over, such as Eventme, Going, and 100 other sites. In other words, don't go by the number of people that RSVP for this event on Meetup, because most likely the event is close to being sold out.

Added by SpeedDating on August 1, 2009