4240 W Camelback Rd
Phoenix, Arizona 85019

Come join the fun at "XTREME PURSUIT" - Westworld Paintball's indoor arena!. It's Ladies Night and the coolest women in the Valley turn out to take on the men for 4 hours of the best paintball anywhere in Arizona. If you're tired of the same old thing and want something new and exciting to do, then Westworld Paintball has your answer. See you on the field!

FREE Rental and Admission for Ladies! $5 Rental & $20 Admission for men. All you ladies gotta do is buy your paint!

Xtreme Pursuit: (Camelback & 43rd Ave, NE corner)

Official Website: http://www.westworldpaintball.com

Added by Westworldpaintball on May 18, 2009

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