8537 Greenwood Ave N, Suite 1, Studio D
Seattle, Washington 98103

What better month than February to highlight a ladies only urban contemporary art show. This is our 2nd Annual show and feel that perhaps we should just declare the month of February as a celebration of Fabulously Fresh Females Artists! The artists that we are presenting next month are each incredibly productive, talented and highly motivated women who have shown their work on a national and some on an international level. If you attend any popular local art festival or craft show, you are sure to see Soule, Soopajdelux, Michelle Smith-Lewis and Coco Howard among the mix of entreprenurial talent.

Ninjagrl is back in the gallery with a whole new line up of her sweet and emotionally packed pieces. And Siolo Thompson, one of the newer artists to Bherd has created a body of work that is suffused with a heavy dose of narrative, a dash of whimsy and hint of menace. Each of these ladies bring a beautiful array of pieces together for a show that will be certain to bring out the sugar and spice of your viewing pleasure. Ladies First will be on exhibit through March 5th.

This opening is in conjunction with Art Up Greenwood-Phinney, the 2nd Friday Monthly Artwalk.

Official Website: http://www.bherdstudios.com

Added by Bherd Studios on January 29, 2010

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