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McKinney, Texas

The Unbiological Sisterhood is visiting a local farm to learn about CSA.

What is CSA? " CSA consists of a community of individuals who pledge support to a farm operation where the growers and consumers share the risks and benefits of food production.

Basically it means you buy a "share" and get organic fresh grown fruits and veggies, farm raised meat/poultry, delivered weekly at a pick up spot for a year. "Smell and taste the difference over supermarket fare." He only has a certain # of shares to sell this year, so once he is full, he is full.

I plan to head out to this farm on the 21st to meet the farmer and check out the farm, as well as the membership. If you would like to join me, we can meet up somewhere along 380 and 75 and go together. This is open to the entire family.

We will reschedule if it rains.

Added by Sal7 on February 11, 2010

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