1328 Montana Ave
Santa Monica, California 90403

L.A. Premiere! THE WOMAN WITH THE 5 ELEPHANTS (DIE FRAU MIT DEN 5 ELEFANTEN), 2010, Cinema Guild, 93 min. Dir. Vadim Jendreyko. Swetlana Geier is considered the greatest translator of Russian literature into German. She has just concluded her life’s work for Zurich’s Ammann publishing house: completing new translations of Dostoyevsky’s five great novels, known as “the five elephants.” This award-winning film interweaves the story of Geier’s life with her literary work and traces the secret of this inexhaustible, hard-working woman. In German with English subtitles. Discussion following with director Vadim Jendreyko.

Added by AmericanCinematheque on October 12, 2010