7989 Unionville Rd
Sebewaing, Michigan 48759

Kurt is currently in the midst of his "48 in 08 Tour" featuring shows in every state in the continental US in 2008. The tour is focused on all-ages spots, intimate venues and record shops to encourage audience-artist interactions and album signings. In the albums first week, BILLBOARD deemed it a "promising debut" and KR has already received national attention on XM, All Music, Skope, Blogcritics, The Nerve Magazine, Entertainment World, Time Out New York, Flavorpill, The L Magazine, Good Times Magazine, Billboard, Noise, etc.
Growing up as a skinny white kid in downtown Poughkeepsie, NY, Kurt's guitar-playing dad surrounded him with sounds of Jimi Hendrix, James Brown, The Stones, and Otis Redding. KR started playing a makeshift drum set in his attic at age 6. This tinkering turned into a lifelong pursuit of music, first on drums, and then on guitar and vocals, all of which he never "learned." High school brought on fusion, jazz, and hip hop. By college, he was drumming in an experimental hip hop band, winning soloist awards with his university jazz band, MC-ing in competitions, making a solo rock recording, and deciding which city in the world (after traveling all over it) bored him the least. It seems fitting that ALL MUSIC described Kurt as "a young man with plenty of passion and a perhaps healthy unwillingness to be tied down to any one narrow style." Kurt's anticipated new album, which was written on the road during his 48 state tour, will be coming out in the winter of 2009.

Joining Kurt will be local favorites The Loyal Conviction and Any Given Hour

Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of chooton.

Added by chooton on June 30, 2008

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