2109 S State St
Chicago, Illinois 60616

KRISTOFF KRANE http://kristoffkrane.weebly.com/
Krane has not only had an influence on the local hip-hop scene, he has impacted the community; known for his work with youth in schools, and recently published book, “The Other,” Krane has made it quite clear that he has a vision and that in no way will he fall short of it.

Also Featuring:
SADISTIK http://www.myspace.com/sadistik1
SMASH MOODY http://smashmoody.bandcamp.com/


Official Website: http://www.songkick.com/concerts/8393071-kristoffkrane-at-reggies-rock-club?utm_source=1126&utm_medium=partner

Added by Upcoming Robot on March 22, 2011