5965 Red Bug Lake Rd
Winter Springs, Florida 32708

Once considered a grandmotherly craft, knitting is now embraced by new generations of young, socially and politically conscious crafters. Knitting represents much more than the finished project; it's a way to slow down in a fast-paced culture. Connect to people in your community and express your own personal style and creativity. Learn knit stitch, Purl stitch and whip stitch. Make a variety of projects.

Warm Up America! An organization made up of volunteers who create handmade afghan blankets, clothing and accessories to help those in need. These items provide warmth and comfort to people who have lost their homes, fled abusive relations, or are being cared for in hospices, shelters, hospitals and Nursing homes.

We'll be teaming with them to make afghan sections with our leftover yarns and in any extra time that classes allow. We'll then piece together an afghan for donation to the Central Florida Coalition for the Homeless.

Wednesdays 3-4:30PM

$12 per class

Official Website: http://www.sparkec.net/register-afterschool-knitting/

Added by SPARK Family Enrichment Center on February 6, 2009